More Spice than Sugar.

Monday, October 19, 2009

And the diagnosis is...

Severe sleep apnea. Duh. lol. We have our referral to Shands to get his tonsils out. I am glad that I finally have backup from the medical profession that my child has sleeping issues but I am scared to death for him to go into the hospital now, well anytime but right now, flu season. Then there's MRSA for me to get to worry about. sigh. It has to be done. Dr Walker wont be doing it which I dont like because I know him and Trey loves him and is comfortable and have been through the tubes in his ears with him. Since Trey is under 4 and he has such a Severe case of apnea like he does he has to be watched over night and that has to be at shands so Dr Walker cant do that. He said we could wait for him to turn 4 and he would love to do it but he didnt recommend waiting. He recomends doing it asap. I agree with that.

Today was vaccination day at Daycare for H1N1. Trey not only didnt get the vax he didnt attend today. He stayed with meme and papa. They were giving the nasal mist (which is the live form) I didnt want him exposed to the live virus all in that school. He may get it anyway I dont know but I have prayed and studied and researched and prayed and we have chosen not to have him vaxed for this. We were not comfortable with this one. We pray we were right. He had a great day with meme and papa anyway.

1 comment:

~*~toni~*~ said...

They forced us to get the regular flu shot at work. I have had the flu shot exactly 3 times: 11 yrs ago, 10 yrs ago and this year. I have had the flu exactly 3 times: 11 yrs ago, 10 yrs ago and this year. Coincidence? That was the DEAD virus but, oh no....didn't cause way...can't happen! This yr, it progressed to pneumonia, which I still have. It's getting better. I was finally able to go back to work after being off 2 1/2 weeks having loads of fun! HAH! NO WAY WOULD I HAVE THE N1H1!!! I will never get another flu shot of any kind! I'm sooooo glad you didn't get it for Trey! And that's all I got to say about that! LOL! XOXOX